The services offered by Open Service every day involve products, materials, equipment and, above all, people. Our personnel skilfully carry out their duties and tasks with rigour and professionalism, but our company nonetheless wanted to formalise its awareness and focus on complying with regulations concerning workers’ health and safety. In 2010, Open Service was awarded OHSAS 18001:2007 certification, which involves careful control over how tasks are carried out in order to avoid any kind of accident in the workplace and to ensure strict compliance with applicable legislation. Practically speaking, this involves:
- Adopting precautions to be taken on all worksites
- Inspections and internal audits
- Risk analysis
- Planning improvement objectives
- Health and safety training
All of these actions allow us to constantly monitor aspects which, as mentioned above, involve people and their safety. Open Service therefore manages a Risk Assessment Document and has developed continuous improvement programmes regarding workplace health and safety. These start by identifying specific risks, allowing for a system to be implemented to manage and monitor activities, in compliance with applicable legislation (Italian law no. 81/2008 and subsequent integrations) and to protect personal safety.
Social Responsibility
As is the case for environmental and safety aspects, our ethical values have also been formalised, validated and recognised, as we apply them every day when carrying out our projects, processes and procedures. To complete the aforementioned approach, Open Service believed it was also appropriate to commit to the SA 8000:2011 standard, obtaining Corporate Social Responsibility Certification. This is a management system involving the entire company (directors, top management, employees) and those with whom it normally has relations (suppliers and customers). The main objectives are:
- to promote workplace health and safety (integrating OHSAS 18001)
- to combat discrimination and disciplinary measures that are not provided for by article 7 of the Workers’ Charter, child labour and forced labour
- to ensure that working times and hours as well as criteria for salaries are respected